Raqami Islamic Digital Bank Ltd. (RIDBL) has announced a strategic partnership with 1LINK, one of Pakistan’s largest Payment Service Providers.

A distinguishing feature of RIDBL will be its status as a Shariah-compliant and purely digital entity, eschewing traditional brick-and-mortar branches in favour of a streamlined, mobile-first approach.

Among the services set to be offered to RIDBL customers through this partnership are Interbank Funds Transfer (1IBFT) and 1BILL. In future, PayPak will also be added as part of the offering to customers.

The collaboration will enable RIDBL customers to transfer funds to over 32 banks and make payments to over 2,500 companies nationwide

Umair Aijaz, CEO RIDBL, said, “We are excited to partner with 1LINK and bring cutting-edge digital financial services to our customers. This collaboration represents a significant step forward in our mission to redefine the customer journey and truly empower users of RIDBL’s banking services with efficient and seamless multi-channel payment options.”

Najeeb Agrawalla, CEO 1LINK, commented: “The collaboration between 1LINK and Raqami Islamic Digital Bank represents a strategic alliance providing customised financial solutions to a wide range of customer segments. This strategic alliance marks the dawn of a new era of innovation and accessibility in Islamic banking, catering to the unique needs and preferences of our discerning clientele.”

Bashir Khan, COO 1LINK, added: “This partnership represents a pivotal achievement in the banking sector, enabling Raqami Bank to pioneer innovation and deliver customised products and services to its customer segments utilising 1LINK rails. It further highlights 1LINK’s steadfast dedication to ongoing innovation, positioning it as the preferred partner for financial institutions aiming to elevate their digital solutions.”

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As RIDBL embarks on its journey to improve the banking experience, it does so with a commitment to establishing a fully shariah compliant digital bank with innovation and customer-centricity at its core.